
The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit

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with a partner alternate

double tabata.

p1: full tabata row

p2: rotate through the following:

1. push ups

2. Good mornings (band)

3. kipping variation (hips to low/high rings, focus on hip extension)

4. pulling variation (ring rows/kipping pull ups)

switch at the end of one full tabata.

Coach led shoulder mobility


A. Max set of UNBROKEN muscle ups

B. EMOM 6: 60% of A

Muscle-ups (1 max set of unbroken)

Scale: Ring Dips (1 max set of unbroken )


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

4 rounds:

1 min max cal row

1 min rest

1 min max power cleans 95/65

1 min rest

RX+ = 135/95