
The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit

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Context: Competition

Mobility: Ankle

Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 10 minutes working up to a challenging 3 rep overhead squat out of the rack. Think about this as a way to find the right weight for the metcon.


Big Wheels, Small Ego (Time)

For Time – 4 rounds

4 rounds for time

8 heavy overhead squats (Health: 55lb / Athletic*: 85lb / Performance: 135lb)

10 high box jumps (Health:20” / Athletic*: 24” / Performance: 30”)

Toes-to-bar (Health: 4 / Athletic: 8 / Performance*: 12)

50 double unders (Health: 20 attempts, Athletic: 50 including attempts, Performance*: 50 reps)

Rest 1 minute

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 10-18 minutes
Overhead squats are to be full range of motion. Below parallel or they do not count (drop the weight or modify to front squats).

Cash Out

Optional ‘Cash Out’: 100m farmer carry, 25 cal row, 4 rounds