The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
coaches choice
A1: Turkish Get Up (build to a heavy single)
Start with your non- dominant hand. Both hands must accomplished the same weight before moving on.
A2: Bulgarian Split Squat (3 x 8 @1010 per side)
Stand 2-3 ft away from a bench.
Facing away from the bench place one foot of top of it.
Lower yourself down until knee touches the ground.
Use body weight or weights.
A3: GHD Hip Extension (BWT) (3 x 12-15)
Set GHD to clear hip bone from the pads.
Maintain a neutral spine
Bent at the hip during hip extensions and remember to use glutes first on the way up.
(18.06.26) Tabata series (bike/hr/was/sr) (AMRAP – Reps)
6 x (20 on/10 off)/ rest 1 minute
Assault bike calories
Hollow rock
40ft shuttle run
Wall sit
Score: cals and shuttle runs combined
1-6 (work), 7-8 (rest)
9-14 (work), 15-16 (rest)
17-22 (work), 23-24 (rest)
25-30 (work), 31-32 (rest)
16 minutes total