The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit
2 rounds of:
8 band pull aparts
8 pvc pass throughs
8 Overhead squats
8 snatch balance
8 good mornings
8 push presses behind the neck
*Coach led barbell warm up
Snatch (1 reps every :20 secs)
Snatch (full)
1 rep every 20s for 10:00
65-75% of 1RM
Metcon (Time)
Metcon: 10 x 3:00
Odds >> 12 situps* + 15 cal row
Evens >> 8 broad jumps 6’/4’ + 11 ball slams 20/14
Score = total working time
*RX+ is weighted situps (25/15)