The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Deload Day
Coaches Choice
A1: Romanian Deadlift (RDL) (12-10-8 @ 3030)
Keep a flat back hinge at the hips .
The knees bent slightly.
Lower your torso as low as possible w/o loosing back position.
Feel the activation of the hamstrings.
Drive up by engaging the glutes.
A2: Side External Rotation (3 x 10 @3010 per side)
B: 19.05.28 (Time)
10 SA Kb clean (right side)
10 SA Kb push press
10 Right Side Plank with Reach
10 Hollow Rocks
10 SA Kb clean (Left side)
10 SA Kb push press
10 Right Side Plank with Reach
10 Hollow Rocks
RX: 35/26#
A deload is a period of time in which you take things easier in the gym by lifting lighter weights or reducing your training volume. Deloads typically last a week and encourage recovery before another period of harder training with heavier loading. Even if your body doesn’t absolutely need to deload, it’s a good idea