The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit
5 min of shoulder mobility
Lax Ball smash on back
foam roll lat smash
2 Rounds in 10 min of:
8 pvc pass through
8 hollow rocks
8 scap pull ups- kips
8 band pull downs
8 kb swings
8 goblet squats
Pullup Cycling/Timing
Every 90s for 8 rounds:
3-8 reps of a kipping pullup variation.
– butterfly chest to bar or pullup
– kipping chest to bar or pullup
– timing drills
– kipping swings
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
12x (1:00 on/ :15 off)
“Death by” box jumps + AMRAP wallballs (20/14)
Score = rounds passed + total wallballs accumulated
*If you fail to complete the required number of box jumps in the minute, rest the allotted 15s, resume and maintain at 3 reps less than where you failed. All wallballs accumulated after a failed round will still count towards your score.