
The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit

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Context: Competition


Mobility: Shoulder

Skill Practice Warm Up: Each minute on the minute for 5 minutes, perform 30s of double unders or attempts.


Max Effort Testing and Year End Goals (The Foundry) (Weight)

Metabolic Conditioning: Max Effort Testing and “Year End Goals” (YEG)

Choose 2 – 3 to test. Try to do one Strength movement, one Gymnastic, and one small Met-Con. Test Front squat if you didn’t get a chance to earlier this month. Here are a some ideas on what to test (But don’t feel limited by this list)

Max effort 400m run

Max effort 200m run

Max effort 100m run

Max effort 800m run

Max effort 1 mile run

Max effort 100m row

Max effort 250m row

Max effort 500m row

Max effort 1000m row

Max push-ups in a minute

Max consecutive push-ups (no dropping off of toes)

Max sit-ups in a minute (abmat, feet unanchored)

Tabata Squats

Max consecutive kipping pull ups (not dropping off the bar, interrupted kipping is fine)

Max consecutive strict pull ups

Max weight from the floor to overhead (Clean and Jerk)

Max weight deadlift

Max weight overhead squat

Max consecutive double unders

Max height box jump

Max distance broad jump

Max weight bench press

Max weight Turkish get-up

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Cash Out

Optional ‘Cash Out’: Annie, Baseline, or Grace

“Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 Double unders and sit ups (for time)

“Baseline” 500m row, 40 squats, 30 sit-ups, 20 push-ups, 10 pull-ups (for time)

“Grace” 30 clean and jerks (135/95/55) (for time)