
The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit

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Context: Practice

Mobility: shoulders


A1: Close Grip Bench Press w/ hanging bands (3 x 12 @ 20×1 )

Same set up as close grip bench press (hands 16″ apart). Bands are used to hang weights on the sides.
The goal of this exercise is to learn to stabilize. Must demostrate control before adding weight.

A2: L-Sit Pull-ups (3 x 1-5 )


B: (18.02.20) On The Minute Series (DB Sn, ohs, ttb, burpees) (AMRAP – Reps)

On The Minute 8

odds) 6 DB Snatch + 4 OHS + AMRAP Burpees to 6″ target (Right Side)

evens)6 DB Snatch + 4 OHS + AMRAP TTB (Left Side)

Score is total burpees and TTB

(performance: 50/35#, TTB, two foot burpee)

(athletic: 35#/20#, Knee to chest, step down/up allowed)

(health: choose any weight, sit ups)