Skill: Muscle-up progressions
20:00 to determine your stage of progression or advance your skill to the next level
- transitions: box – kneeling – jumping – banded
- Muscle-up: jumping – partner assist – kipping – strict
10:00 ring work
- ring row – ring push-up – ring dip
- toes to rings – skin the cat – ice cream makers
5:00 Core on the floor
- 2 point plank w/ extension – 2 point plank w/ abduction – spider planks – dragon flags – planche
Core Intervals – :20 Active + :20 Isometric + :20 REST
- :20 pikes -to- :20 plank
REST :20
- :20 L oblique raises -to- :20 L side plank
REST :20
- :20 R oblique raises -to- :20 R side plank
REST :20
- :20 glute bridge raises -to- :10 L then :10 R single leg bridges
REST :20
- :20 L 4 point based tuck/extend -to- :20 L 2 point based hold
REST :20
- :20 R 4 point based tuck/extend -to- :20 R 2 point based hold
REST :20
- :20 leg lever lifts -to- :10 45 degrees then :10 30 degrees leg lever holds
MetCon – AMRAP10
- advanced: Muscle up (no glide or butterfly)
- intermediate: banded muscle-up -OR- jumping muscle-up (rings above head height, must pause once transitioned before press out)
- development: 5 box transitions equal 1 muscle-up