The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Question of the Day
What is the biggest “gain” or accomplishment you’ve made since starting at The Foundry (gym or personal)?
Coach led barbell warm up to include at least…
-positions (high hang, low hang, floor)
-jerk review/drills
Clean and Jerk (7 x 2 + 1)
*Sets to be completed on a 2:00 clock
*First set is at 70% of 1RM
*Build weight across working sets
Clean (7 x 1 Complex)
Complex is….
3-Position Clean – Top-Down
1x High Hang Clean
1x Below Knee Hang Clean
1x Clean
*Sets to be completed on a 2:00 clock
*Sets to be completed between 65-70% of 1RM
*Yes, these are all squat cleans
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
20 – Air Squats
15 – Sit-ups
10 – Burpees