The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
2-3 minute burpee warm up…
*flip cup
*leap frog
*burpee broad jump relay
*get creative, but keep it short!
Metcon (Distance)
Teams of 4
AMRAP 10:00 | Rest 2:00
Battle Ropes and Rowing
P1 – Row 250m
P2 – Rest
P3 – Battle Ropes
P4 – Rest
*Rotation is based on completion of 250m Row
*Score is total distance accumulated
Metcon (Distance)
AMRAP 10:00 | Rest 2:00
100m Relay
P1 – Sprint
P2 – Rest
P3 – Sprint
P4 – Rest
*Subdivide team into groups of 2. Trade 1 for 1 50m down and back (100m total) sprints between the 2 athletes in each group.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
AMRAP 10:00 | Rest 2:00
Push-up Circle (The Classic)
P1 – 3 Push-ups
P2 – Rest/Plank
P3 – Rest/Plank
P4 – Rest/Plank
Hold a high plank while teammates do their allotted push-ups.