
The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit

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3 rounds of

5 pvc pass through

5 deadlifts

5 high pulls

5 good morning

5 back squats

5 push press/push jerk behind the neck


Snatch Balance (5x 5 reps )

This is SKILL work. Start with an empty bar, and build if you can/want to.

Need to work on your Overhead Squat? Do 1 Snatch Balance + 4 Overhead Squats

Need to work on your transition to the bottom of a snatch? Do more Snatch Balances vs. OHS

Snatch (2 power snatches every 30s for 10:00)

60% of 1RM


Metcon (Time)

2 Rounds for Time, CAP 15

4 wall walks*

40 situps

400m run
*Sub for wall walks is 32 shoulder taps in a high plank position