

– Complimentary Yoga for Foundry Members, throughout February at Yoga Six (in the Roosevelt Collection)!

The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit

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-12 pvc pass throughs

-10 leg swings each leg

-8 scapular pullups

-6 scapular pushups

Metcon (Weight)

OTM 16

Odd Rounds : 10 Russian Kettlebell – Heavy

Even Rounds: 12 Sit-ups – Weighted (25/15)

Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds For Time – CAP 10

4 Shoulder To Overhead (155/105)

8 Pull-ups

32 Double Unders

*DU sub is 32 jumping bar taps

At the conclusion of the 10min clock go directly into the next Metcon.

Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds For Time – CAP 10

8 Deadlifts (155/115)

4 Pull-ups

32 Double Unders

*DU sub is 32 jumping bar taps