The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Context: Practice
A: Deadlift (8 x 2 Banded DL (accommodating resistance))
8 sets x 2 banded deadlifts OTM 8
Working sets should be around 50-60% of 1RM
Looking for great back and hamstring mechanics and explosiveness on the way up.
Use bands of ~20-25% your 1RM
ex. 1RM DL 320, use green band.
B1: GHD Hip Extension (BWT) (2-3 x 10 @ 2011)
Set GHD to clear hip bone from the pads.
Maintain a neutral spine
Bent at the hip during hip extensions and remember to use glutes first on the way up.
2-3 sets x 10 reps @ (2 down, 1 up and 1 hold)
8-10 minutes to complete B1,B2 & B3
We currently have 3 ghds so let’s share the equipment.
B2: Side plank Clamshells (2-3 x 10 reps per side )
B3: L-Sit (2-3 sets of :10-:30 seconds)
Modify as needed.
C: (17.11.30) Dumbbell Jam (PC version) (Time)
6 rounds for time CAP 8
6 SA DB power clean ( health: 15-30#, athletic*: 35#, performance: 50#)
4 SA DB Front squat (same)
2 SA DB Thruster (same)
24* Double unders (athletic: 12 dubs, health: 40 singles)
Scaling Guideline: :40 to :90 second per round. 4-7 min
25 banded good mornings
:30 hollow hold
15 bike cals