The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Practice or recovery
A1: GHD Back Extensions (2-3 x 5-8)
A2: Weighted Step-ups (2-3 x 10 alternating )
A3: Overhead KB windmill (2-3 x 7 per side)
B: (18.11.16) (Time)
4 rounds for time
100ft* walking lunges
30 ab mat sit ups
20 push ups
RX+: Medball walking lunges 20/14#, 20 GHD sit ups, Ring push ups
(MAP 10) 20 minutes Row (Active Recovery) (Calories)
(MAP 10) 20 minutes Assault Bike (Active Recovery) (Calories)
20 minutes Assault Bike (Active Recovery)
(refer to aerobic capacity (flywheel bike) 20 minute max test if looking for score)