The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Question of the Day
Playground or video games?
6 minutes to move through 3 rounds of…
-20 hollow rocks
-5 inchworms with pushup
-20 band pull aparts (10 at chest level, 10 at hip level)
-10m bear crawl
Handstand Walk (OTM 12)
On The Minute Playtime!
Choose 1, 2 or 3 from the following….
Holds – Wall or freestanding
Walks – From wall or freestanding
Tripods – Holds or kick-ups to hold
Handstand Rocks / Shoulder taps – Wall or freestanding
Wallwalks – Reps or holds
*Work for approximately :30 and rest :30 in any given minute.
75 Push-ups For Time – CAP 5 (Time)
Any reps not completed add as seconds to the 5 minute CAP.
Metcon (Time)
Teams of 2 – 4 Rounds For Time – CAP 16
300m Row
8 Double Kettlebell Clean & Jerks (44/26)
*A round is both athletes completing both movements.