
The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit

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Question of the Day

Did you ever collect anything as a child?


2 minutes of double under practice, then…

2 rounds of: (mini band work)

-15 air squats

-15 left/right steps

-15 forward/back steps

-5 vertical jumps

5 minutes to build to 60% of back squat


Depth Drops (No Measure)

Drop from the top of a box. Land in a “power” position, sticking the landing (as if you were catching a power clean)
5×2 depth drop to broad jump


Back Squat (6×5 )

2:00 clock

This is a DELOAD week: You may build across the sets but, stay between 60-70% of 1RM (DO NOT GO ABOVE)


Metcon (Time)

Chipper for time, CAP 25

200m run*

100 double unders

80 situps

60 wallballs

40 burpees

20 box jumps

200m run*

RX+ is 800m run on either end