The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Question of the Day
What keys are on your keychain?
8 minutes to rotate through:
-15 pvc pass throughs (narrow your grip every 5 reps
-8 easy ttb variation
-8 banded bent over row
-24 band pull aparts (8 at eye level , 8 at chest level, 8 at hip level)
Skill Work
Pullups and Muscle Ups (1-10)
OTM 15
1. 1-10 strict pullups
2. 5-15 reps of an easy kipping variation
3. 30-40s or a variation that challenges you
6 single arm kb swing (each arm)
6 single arm bent over row (each arm)
Review movements for metcon
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 6, rest 3, AMRAP 6
1 round =
3 single arm kb snatch
4 single arm kb clean and jerk
5 single arm kb thrusters
RX = 53/35
RX+ = 70/44
*Pick up where you left off
*Switch arms every rounds