The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Coaches choice
A: Hang Power Clean (10 x 1 complex)
10 sets x 1 complex
1 high hang power clean
1 mid hand power clean
1 front squat
work at 50% of hang power clean (seriously!)
B: (MAP 10) 20 minutes Assault Bike (Active Recovery) (Calories)
20 minutes Assault Bike (Active Recovery)
(refer to aerobic capacity (flywheel bike) 20 minute max test if looking for score)
There is a benchmark tomorrow. If you have attended all classes this week. Row or Bike for 20 minutes at a easy pace as active recovery.
Otherwise, complete “b”
b: (18.08.23) (AMRAP – Reps)
3x Tabata
rotate through the following movements
– Double Unders
– Wall Balls
– Hollow Rocks
– Bear Crawl
Score is total reps accumulated from DUs and WBs