The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
We are a couple of weeks away from completing our “running cycle” and retesting the 5k.
Running Mobility
A: (18.08.16) (3 Rounds for time)
Every 11 minutes
1350 m run
rest the remaining time; walk at least for about a minute after each repeat.
x 3
B1: Bulgarian Split Squat (3 sets x 8 reps @ 3010)
Stand 2-3 ft away from a bench.
Facing away from the bench place one foot of top of it.
Lower yourself down until knee touches the ground.
Use body weight or weights.
3 sets x 8 reps @ 3 down, 1 up. per side
B2: GHD Hip Extension (BWT) (3 sets x 8-12 reps)
Set GHD to clear hip bone from the pads.
Maintain a neutral spine
Bent at the hip during hip extensions and remember to use glutes first on the way up.