The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Context: Practice
Mobility: Shoulder
Skill practice warm up: (8 min)
(:30 seconds hollow hold, :30 seconds rest) x 2
(:30 seconds superman hold, : 30 seconds rest ) x 2
(:30 seconds handstand or tripod hold, rest :30 sec ) x 2
(:30 seconds active hang, :30 seconds rest) x 2
Mind the Wake (Time)
For time.
Row (Health: 1000m, Athletic*: 1300m, Performance: 1500m)
then 4 rounds of:
Handstand push-ups (Health: 6 dumbbell strict press / Athletic: 6 head to floor / Performance*: 10 head to floor)
12 toes-to-bar
14 Russian kettlebell swings (Health: 35lbs, Athletic*: 53lbs, Performance: 70lbs)
*Women’s “Performance” HSPU (Rx)
Scaling Guide: 12 – 19 minutes, about 7 minutes for the row, and 2 min per round on the second part.
Scale Up: 4/2” deficit HSPU and 88/70lb kb.
Cash Out
Optional ‘Cash Out’: 15 GHD sit ups, 15 wall ball, 3 rounds.