
The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit

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Skill Work

5-10 minutes to review kipping technique.


A: (18.05.10) (Time)

CAP 25

900 m run (health: 700 m)

15 pull ups

40 push ups (health: 20 push ups)

700 m run (health: 450 m)

15 pull ups

30 push ups (health: 15 push ups)

600 m run ( health: 350 m)

15 pull ups

20 push ups (health: 10 push ups)

450 m run ( health: 200 m run)

15 pull ups

10 push ups ( health: 5 push ups)

RX+: 20/14 # vest, if attempting this workout with vest the athlete must have been able to complete the 50 pull ups and 75 push ups for time under the cap time.

Cash Out

3 x

10 bulgarian squats ( per leg)

10 glute bridges