The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
mobility for running
A: 1-Mile Run (Time)
Max Effort 1-Mile Run
B1: Bulgarian Split Squat (3 x 10)
Stand 2-3 ft away from a bench.
Facing away from the bench place one foot of top of it.
Lower yourself down until knee touches the ground.
Use body weight or weights.
3 sets x 10 reps per leg @1010
hold kb/db farmer’s carry style.
B2: Cross Body KB Carry (1 x 80ft per side)
This carry combines the front rack carry and farmers carry.
Front Rack – Right Arm/Farmer’s carry -Left Arm
Front Rack- Left Arm/Farmer’s carry – Right Arm
choose a weight that is challenging but allows you to complete the distance while keeping integrity of the movement.
(160 ft total)
Front Rack – Right Arm/Farmer’s carry -Left Arm (80ft)
Front Rack- Left Arm/Farmer’s carry – Right Arm
Choose a weight that is challenging but allows you to complete the distance while keeping integrity of the movement.
B3: GHD Hip Extension (BWT) (3 x 8-12)
Set GHD to clear hip bone from the pads.
Maintain a neutral spine
Bent at the hip during hip extensions and remember to use glutes first on the way up.
Cash Out
Tabata Assault bike or Row for Calories
8 x (:20 seconds on/:10 seconds off)