The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Thoracic spine
3-4 rounds not for time:
A1: Overhead Squat (3-4 x 3-5 @4010)
The goal for today is to practice the mechanics of the overhead squat. Stay light (~50% 1RM). Some of you would really benefit from doing wall squats with PVC and really work on your movement quality. Want to snatch heavy? Master the Overhead Squat.
Stay light and tomorrow’s metcon will thank you.
A2: L-Sit (3-4 x :20-60 second holds)
A3: GHD Hip and Back Extension (3-4 x 5)
This is the same set up as a hip extension but combines the back extension motion.
B: (19.01.24) (Time)
4 rounds for Time: CAP 12
10 medball rotational slam (right side)
10 rotational slams (left side)
10 medball sprawl
10 half moon ball slams
10 wall balls
10 medball sit ups
20 Russian twist (r+l= 2)
Rx: 20#/14#
Fitness: 10#/ 6#