
The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – Team CrossFit

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Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

In teams of 2- 26 Minute AMRAP

Partner A runs one 400M Sprint

Partner B does AMRAP Hang Power Cleans + Jerks (115, 85) until A gets back.

Switch and repeat. (score is reps of hang power clean and jerks) (Each person only runs once and C and J’s once)

Partner A runs 400 M

Partner B does AMRAP Double Unders

switch and repeat

Partner A runs 400 M

Partner B does AMRAP Back squats 115/85 from floor until A returns.

Switch and repeat.

Again, each person only runs once and squats once.

Partner A runs 400 M

Partner B does AMRAP Burpees

Switch and repeat.

If above is completed in less than 26 minutes, start over and continute until 26 minute cap.

RX+ 155/105