The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – Team CrossFit
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Team WOD
Teams of 4: AMRAP 17
The Goal: As a team-of-four, accumulate as many reps as possible of rowing calories and ground to overhead in 17 minutes.
The Kicker: 3-Rep Buy-In of Toes-To-Bar or Knees-To-Chest every time an athlete enters the work area.
Workout Summary: Only two athletes may work at a time, one on the rower and one on a barbell. There are no minimum or maximum work requirements, but when a switch in athlete happens, the incoming athlete must complete 3 toes to bar before beginning work on the rower or the barbell. Toes to bar reps may only begin once the rower handle is racked or the barbell is on the ground.
**Remember, when the workout begins, the two working athletes must complete 3 toes to bar before beginning their work on the rower and the barbell!**
The Score: Total Calories + Ground-to-Overhead reps