The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – Team CrossFit
(No Measure)
Coach Lead hip opening warm up for 10 mins then with your group
Rotate through
8 kip swings
10 Back Squats w/ bar
12 Broad Jumps
14 Burpees with a hard vert. Jump
Metcon (Time)
Teams of 4 for time cap 40
800 meter Indian Run w/ med ball
5 rounds of the following
8 T2B
10 Back Squats 135/95
12 Broad Jumps 6’/4′
14 Sit-Ups
800 meter Indian Run w/ med ball
– Back Squats 185/115
– 36/30 in Box Jumps for broad Jumps
*Indian run – the team will run in a line and the person in the back will move to the front carrying the med ball. once that person makes it to the front they pass the ball down the line to the back to the person at the end. Then you repeat.
*All 4 teammates will complete 5 rounds of all of the movements and the switch will occur when every body completes their movement.