
The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – Team CrossFit

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Kodiak (Time)


800 m run

For time. 2 rounds (20-minute time cap)

20 hang power snatches (Health: 55lbs, Athletic*: 75lbs, Performance: 115lbs)

30 overhead squats (Health: Font squat, Athletic/Performance: same as above)

40 power clean and jerks (same as above)

40 burpees

2 minutes rest

Record total time (including the rest)

*Women’s “As Prescribed” weights and reps (Rx)

Team Version:one person working at a time.

Scaling Guide: 11 – 18 minutes, about 6 minutes per round (not including the rest). Scale Up: 135/85lb barbell.