

7:30PM STAYS ALIVE! – Disregard the cancellation of the 7:30 classes at Printers Row. Our original intent was to discontinue the classes for a short period for the welfare of our coaches that have been working so hard over these past few weeks, and to rebuild the Endurance program. Coach Dan stepped up and offered his 7:30 time slot to keep the class schedule unbroken. Dan, Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to The Foundry community, and for being such a caring coach to each and every member! It is all very much appreciated!

The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – Team CrossFit

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2 rounds of

15 air squats

12 calf raises

9 good mornings

6 inchworm w/ push ups

3 burpees

Metcon (Time)

In Teams of 2

For Time CAP 40

Buy in 2000 m row

-100 double unders

10 hollow rocks

-75 kb swings 53/35

10 sit ups

– 50 thrusters 45/35

10 v ups

– 25 burpees

1 min plank hold

-25 burpees

10 v ups

– 50 thrusters 45/35

10 sit ups

– 75 medball slams

10 hollow rocks

– 100 double unders

Buy out 100 Cal row

* DUs sub: 200 singles

One athlete working at a time, except during abs exercises. Those must be completed by both team members