The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – Team CrossFit
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
In Teams of 2:
With a running clock, from 0:00-7:59 complete AMRAP #1 of
21 double unders ( 42 singles)
15 Hang power snatch. 95/65/35
9 burpees
Divide the movements as desired. One athlete working at a time.
At the 8:00 mark complete
1600 m run with a partner*
Then at the 16:00 minute mark start AMRAP #2 of
21 bar hops
15 hang power cleans 95/65/35
9 wall balls 20/14/10
Divide the movements as desire. One athlete working at a time.
The WOD will stop at the 24 min mark.
Score total rounds and reps combined.
*if the run is completed before the 16:00 mark the athletes get to rest. If the run takes longer, the athletes will start the AMRAP immediatly after they come back from the run.
Scaling guideline: 8-16 rounds