The Foundry Union Station – Team Metcon
A: (18.03.31) Trio Assault 150 (team version) (Time)
For Time:
50 burpees
10 SA KB clean and jerks (53/35/26#)
30 Cal. Assault bike ( 42 AD6 bike)
40 burpees
20 SA KB C&J (same)
30 Cal. Assault bike
30 burpees
30 SA KB C&J (same)
30 Cal. Assault bike
20 burpees
40 SA KB C&J (same)
30 Cal. Assault bike
10 burpees
50 SA KB C&J (same)
30 Cal. Assault Bike
In teams of 3, one person working at a time. Team members decide how to divide the work.