Filthy 5K: 550 total reps + 5500 total meters
- Box jump, 24/20
- pull-ups
- Kettlebell swings, #35/26
- Lunges
- Knees to elbows
- Push press, #45/35
- arm haulers
- Wall ball shots, 20/14
- Burpees
- Double unders
*10 rounds, 10!1 for above exercises + 100m!1000m run
Round1: 10 reps for each exercise + 100m Run (2 floor laps)
Round2: 9 reps for each exercise + 200m Run (200 block)
Round3: 8 reps for each exercise + 300m Run (2 floor laps + 200 block)
Round4: 7 reps for each exercise + 400m Run (400 block)
Round5: 6 reps for each exercise + 500m Run (2 floor laps + 400 block)
Round6: 5 reps for each exercise + 600m Run (600 block)
Round7: 4 reps for each exercise + 700m Run (2 floor laps + 600 block)
Round8: 3 reps for each exercise + 800m Run (800 block)
Round9: 2 reps for each exercise + 900m Run (2 floor laps + 800 block)
Round10: 1 reps for each exercise + 1000m Run (200 block + 800 block)
To finish this under 1:00:00 is the goal… Since its creation i’ve programmed this wod once a year. This will be the third running of Filthy 5K and only about 20 individuals have ever completed more…
oh my gosh…this looks so hard and yet so awesome!