
The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit

Pure Weightlifting Day!!!

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A: Warm – Up (No Measure)


20 Jumping Jacks

10 PVC Pass Throughs

10 PVC Overhead Squats

10 Duck Walks – Fwd + Back

10 PVC Pass Throughs at bottom of squat

B: Warm – Up (No Measure)

Coach Lead Barbell Warm-up

Snatch (10 x 3 @70% +)

Odd Interval – Full Snatch

Even Interval – Hang Snatch

*Sets to be completed on a 2:00 clock

*First set is at 70% of 1RM

*Build weight across working sets

*Must hit same weight on both odd and even minute to add more weight.

Back Squat (5 x 5)

*Sets to be completed on a 2:00 clock

*First set is at 70% of 1RM

*Build weight across working sets

Back Squat (Max Set @ 80% of Heaviest Set of 5)

*Rest 2:00 after last set of 5

*Drop weight to 80% of heaviest set of 5

*Perform a max set of reps!!!!!