The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit
Context: Practice
Mobility: Hip
General warm up: coach led
6×2 Front Box Squat –
(6 sets of 2 reps, same weight across, approximately 65-75% of max Front Squat)
Super Set:
6×4 weighted strict pull up – or progression (6 sets of 4 reps, “across,” scale to the same challenge)
Dark Weather (Time)
For time – 4 rounds
7 hang power snatch (Performance: 95lb / Athletic: 65lb * / Health: 35lb)
7 Overhead Squat (same)
14 Box jump (Performance: 24” / Athletic*: 20” / Health: 12”)
*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)
Scaling Guide: 7 – 11 min, about 1:45 per round. Scale Up: 115/75lb
Cash Out
Optional ‘Cash Out’: 50m farmer carry, 15 burpees, 3 rounds