The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Context: Training
Mobility: Shoulder
Skill Work
Front lever progressions.
Every minute for 6 minute, hold a front lever variation
(Try to work for :10 to :20 seconds. For example you try multiple 2-second holds for :10 secs.)
(exemples: )
A: Overhead Squat (1×3 @ 3211)
6 set build to a heavy set of 3 @3211
(3 down, 2 hold in the bottom, 1 up, 1 breath)
Start at empty bar if necessary or 50% of 1RM
Focus on keeping the chest up.
Maintain active shoulder and locked elbows.
Full range of motion and tempo determine the weight.
On a 2:30 clock
B: (17.11.20) Melting Away (Time)
For time complete the all following stations in no specific order:
CAP 20
50 Cal Row (athletic*: 40, health:35)
50 Burpee
50 Cal Assault Bike (Athletic*:40, health 35) (AD6 bike: 70/56/49)
150* Double Unders (Athletic: 75 DU, Health: 225 singles or (4 singles + 1 attempt) x 20)
Athletes can start at different stations, no more than 5 ppl per station.
Start athletes preferably in the row or bike first, then burpees, last dubs
A) On the minute x 8
10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17 wall balls
B) Accumulate 3 minute L-Sit