The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Context: Competition
Mobility: Hip
A: Front Squat ( 5 x 2 @ 3110 )
5 sets x 2 reps @3110 (3 down, 1 bottom hold, 1 up, 1 pause at top)
Increase weight each set. Start at 65% of FS
On a 3 minute clock
B: (17.11.13) Mainsite 171014 (Time)
For time CAP 18
With a Partner complete the following:
60* single-leg squats, alternating (health: step ups, athletic: Banded pistols)
50 wall-ball shots (health: 10#, athletic*: 14#, performance: 20#)
40 box jumps (health: 12-18″, athletic*: 20″, performance: 24″)
30 deadlifts, (health: 95#, athletic*: 125, performance: 185 #)
20 power cleans (same)
10 front squats (same)
Scaling Guideline: 9-15 min
Divide the work as desired, one athlete working at a time and must complete all the reps of each moving before moving forward.
*women’s rx
:30 sec right side plank (elbow)
40 ft right side front rack kb carry AHAP
:30 sec left side plank (elbow)
40 ft left side front rack kb carry AHAP