The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Context: Practice
Mobility: Ankle
Skill Practice Warm Up: perform 3 reps on the minute for 6 minute of a squat clean
Lazerwolf (Time)
For time – 5 rounds
12 squat cleans (Health: 35lb / Athletic: 65lb* / Performance: 95lb)
12 push press (same)
12 V-ups (Health: sit up)
50 double unders (Health: 4 singles/1 DU attempt 10 rounds, Athletic: 30 including attempts, Performance*: 50 reps)
1 minute rest
*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)
Scaling Guide: 18 – 25 minutes, about 4 min per round including the rest.
Scale Up: 85/115lb barbell