
The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit

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Shoulder Stability and Mobility (10 minutes)

3-5 rounds of:

– 20m waiter walk (each arm)

– 3 inchworms

– 4 kb press on each arm

– 5 american kb swings

– 6 band pull aparts each way

– 7 scapular pullups

– 8 hollow rocks


OTM 12

0:20 work/0:40 rest

Odd: Handstand Push-Up Variation

Even: Handstand Hold

Handstand Push-ups

Scale to work for the whole 20 seconds

– Scaling the hold: partial wall walk, tripod hold

– Scaling the push-up: no abmats today, box hspu on knees, pike hspu on box


2 Rounds for Time (CAP 22):

21 Calories on Rower

18 Burpees

15 Power Cleans (95/65)

12 Abmat Situps

9 Power Snatches (95/65)

6 Rope Climbs

Rx+ 135/95

Metcon (Time)

Performed with a partner, follow the leader style (You must stay in order of exercises; second partner does not begin next exercise until first partner has moved on to the next movement)