The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Context: Mental Toughness
Mobility: Shoulder
Push Jerk (7 sets x 2 reps)
7 x 2 Push Jerk or Split Jerk – (7 sets of 2 reps, same weight across, approximately 75 – 85% of max jerk)
Split Jerk (7 sets x 2 reps)
7 x 2 Push Jerk or Split Jerk – (7 sets of 2 reps, same weight across, approximately 75 – 85% of max jerk)
KB/DB Split Squat (7 sets x 4 reps)
KB/DB Split Squat
Super Set: 7 x 4 Split Squat (7 sets of 4 reps, “across,” scale to the same challenge as the main lift)
Isabelly Jelly (Time)
For time
30 power snatches (Performance: 95lb / Athletic*: 65lb / Health: 35lb hang muscle snatch)
1 min rest
Then 3 rounds
Ring dips (Performance: 10/ Athletic*: 6/ Health: 6 push-ups)
15 deadlifts (same as snatches)
*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)
Scaling Guide: 6 – 10 minutes. About 3 min for the first part and 1 min per round on the second.
Scale Up: 135/95lb bar
Cash Out
Optional ‘Cash Out’: 4 min max cal row or airdyne