The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
context: Training
mobility: hips
A: Front Squat (5-8 x 1 @ 11×1)
5-8 sets x 1 @ 1 down, 1 hold, explode up
B: Fight Gone Bad (AMRAP – Reps)
“Fight Gone Bad”
As many reps as possible – 3 rounds
Three rounds of:
1 min Wall-ball (Health: 10lb/10ft, Athletic*: 14lb/10ft, Performance: 20lb/10ft)
1 min Sumo Deadlift High Pull (Health: 45lb, Athletic *: 55lbs, Performance: 75lbs)
1 min Box Jump, (Health: 45lbs, Athletic *: 20″, Health: 12″, Performance: 20″)
1 min Push-press (Health: 45lbs, Athletic *: 55lbs, Performance: 75lbs)
1 min Row (Calories)
1 minute rest in between rounds.
The exercises must be completed in order, but you can start where you want (start on box jumps and end on SDHP for example).
*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)
Scaling Guide: 200 – 350 reps, about 80 reps per round.