The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
9 rounds of. :20 sec on/ :10 sec off
-KB swings
-push ups
-air squats
Then 2 rounds of
– 10 banded good morning
-8 banded bent over row
-6 band pass through
-4 sit ups
– 2 wall walks
1. 3 Tempo Ring Row 50X2
2. 3 Tempo HSPU 50X2
3. 3-5 Strict Pull-Ups
4. 3-5 Strict HSPU
– Tempo is 5 second negative, immediate ascent with no pause at bottom, 2 second pause at the top
– Ring rows should be a challenging variation
Metcon (Time)
For Time (CAP 20):
21 deadlifts
18 burpee over bar
15 deadlifts
12 burpee over bar
9 deadlifts
6 burpee over bar
3 deadlifts
3 burpee over bar
6 deadlifts
9 burpee over bar
12 deadlift
15 burpee over bar
18 deadlift
21 burpee over bar
Rx 135/95
No Rx+ today – if Rx weight is light, then do it faster