
The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit

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front rack or thoracic spine


A: Clean (1 X 1 )

14 Minutes to warm up for metcon.

Start around 50% of 1 RM

Beginner : focus on sets of 3 reps every 2-3 minutes

Advance: single reps

Use this grading scale to increase loading:

10 points total:

2 points = nailed it

0 points = needs work

Anything lower than 8 points keep the same weight.

1) set up

2) first pull

3) 2nd pull

4) catch

5) footwork


B: May the best bro win (Time)

For Time CAP 17:

3 squat cleans 135#/95#

9 Chest to bar pull ups

5 squat cleans 135#/95#

15 Chest to bar pull ups

7 squat cleans 135#/95#

21 chest to bar pull ups

9 squat cleans 135#/95#

27 chest to bar pull ups

RX+: 185#/125#

Athletic/Masters 40+: 115#/75#, jumping chest to bar

Fitness/Masters 50+: 95#/65#, ring rows