
The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit


Context: Competition

Mobility: HIps


A: Back Squat (7 x 1-1-1-1-1-1-1@ 10×0)

7 sets x 1 rep @ 1 down, explode up. Increase weight each set.

20 minutes to complete this part including warm up sets. 1st set should be around 70%.

Active Mobility:

4 sets x 5 Table Tops

3 sets x 10 wrist push up progressions.


B: (18.01.02) Getting Down to Business (Time)

For Time:

150 Double Unders

120ft (3 40ft laps) Burpee broad jump

90 Air Squats

60 Russian KB swings 53/35/26

30 Sit Ups
CAP 16

scaling guideline: 6-12 minutes

Health: 300 singles

Athletic: 75 double unders

Cash Out

3 rounds:

5 strict or L-sit pull ups

9 GHD hip extensions

:45 second ring support hold or ring plank.