The Foundry Printers Row – Event
Metcon (Time)
In Teams of 2-4:
100 jump rope or jumping jacks (a)*
90 mountain climbers or high knees (right + left = 1) (b)*
80 air squats (c) *
70 ball slams
60 calorie row
50 Medball squat chest pass
40 MB or KB Sumo deadlift (d)*
30 sit ups or crunches (e)*
20 pull ups or ring rows
10 synchronized burpees or burpee plank.
*RX+ (experienced members ONLY)
a) double unders
b) inverted mountain climber
c) goblet squats 53/35
d) KB swings 53/35
e) Toes to bar
-One person working at the time.
-Team members will decide how to divide the work.
-Every one in the team has to “hi 5” before transition to the next movement.