Event 1.0 2-RM Snatch Ladder

Event 1.0 2-RM Snatch Ladder

Day 1 is done and in the books!

The Foundry competitors drove 8 hours to compete in the 2013 Granite Games. Over the next three days, they will compete in CrossFit style workouts against competitors from all over the country.

Here is a recap of Day 1:

Event 1.0 Consisted of a 2 rep max snatch ladder where athletes had to snatch increasing weights (10# for ladies and 20# for guys) within a 40 second time span. For teams, each person snatched one time until each could not make the lift. Tie breaker points where awarded for deadlifts performed in the time cap.

The womens’ teams competed first. Jenni and Alecia started off day great; Jenni snatched 98# and Alecia moved up the ladder to snatch 128#.

Kumuda competed next in the Rx women’s division. She muscle snatched 128# twice and nearly got 138# but completed deadlifts until time ran out.

Next, the three guys teams took the floor. Manny and Jordan were the first to snatch. Manny hit 145# and Jordan went on to lift 205#, a personal record for him.

Noah and Ketchup were next to try the ladder. Ketchup hit 145# and Noah snatched 185#.

Last were Andrew and Wayne. Andrew lifted 145# and Wayne got 205# on the ladder.

Joe competed in the men’s Rx division. Joe hit one snatch at 225# but missed his second.

In the final division, Jon PRd his snatch by hitting 245# one time.

Foundry Ladies with Elizabeth Akinwale

Foundry Ladies with Elizabeth Akinwale

All athletes did an amazing job and everyone is looking forward to tomorrow. More updates to come!