dynamic lower
A1: OTM10
2 box squat @ 80% of 1RM
A2: E:30 x10
1 sumo deadlift @ 80% of squat 1RM
* MAX reps last set
B: 20:00 sled drag
- 100m sled drag
- sets of 3 skin the cat w/ :60 REST
C: Burpee challenge – CAP10
100 Target Burpee for time
dynamic lower
A1: OTM10
2 box squat @ 80% of 1RM
A2: E:30 x10
1 sumo deadlift @ 80% of squat 1RM
* MAX reps last set
B: 20:00 sled drag
C: Burpee challenge – CAP10
100 Target Burpee for time
First time I’ve had “skin the cat” programmed in a workout…I’m loving it.
Heavy weights and burpees. Can’t wait.
umm, i’m excited
I mean, I’m just forgetting that I have to do that many burpees, but the rest of it…yum
Seeing this workout has enticed me to change my flight back from Cali to an earlier one so I can make the 6:30