The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit
2 rounds in 12 minutes of:
10 m lunge w/ twist
20 m toe walk
10 m bearcrawl
20 m heel walk
10 m spiderman
20 m monster walks
10 m ostrich walk / crab walk
10 ring rows or 5 strict pull ups
10 knee raises or knees to elbows
Odd Skills
Rope Climbs!
15 minutes of technique review and play time
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
AMRAP 16, Teams of 4
P1. 200m run (pace setter)
P2. max rope climbs while P1 runs
P3. max double unders while P1 runs
P4. rest until P1 comes back from run, then becomes the runner
Runner >> rope climbs
Rope climbs >> double unders
Double unders >> rest
Rest >> run
Score = team total rope climbs + double unders
*Scale to target taps for dubs, scale to rope lowers for climbs