The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit
6 minutes of ankle mobility.
-ankle banded distraction
– KB Achilles/calf smash
2 rounds in 8 minutes of:
8 air squats
8 inchworms w/ push up
8 wall balls
8 single arm KB swings
8 hollow rocks
Equipment: med ball & KB
Pistol Development, every 90s for 12 rounds:
Odd rounds >> 2 reps per leg: pistol negatives on box (leg forward or backward)
Even Rounds >> 6 candlestick to pistol (per leg) OR 6 two-foot candlestick
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 5, Rest 2, AMRAP 5
7 right arm kb clean & jerks
5 right arm/leg front rack lunges
3 right arm kb thrusters
7 left arm kb clean & jerks
5 left arm/leg front rack lunges
3 left arm kb thrusters
Weight for RX and RX+ is 53/35
RX+ is as follows…
7 right arm kb clean & jerks
5 right arm kb thrusters
3 right leg pistols
7 left arm kb clean & jerks
5 left arm kb thrusters
3 left leg pistols