The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Context: Training
Mobility: shoulder
Skill Work
A) Gymnastics statics:
1-2) :10-:20 second inverted hold (handstand variation) + 5 arm CARs per side
3-4): 10-:20 second hollow hold variation + 5 Cat -Cows
5-6) :10-:20 second superman hold + 3-5 Table tops
A: Shoulder Press (6x 3 @ 3010)
6 sets x 3 reps @ 3 down, 1 up.
On a 2:00 clock
C: Mean Lil’ Cindy (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 Min AMRAP
5 *L-Pull ups/Chin ups (health: 10 ring rows, athletic: 5 strict pull ups)
10 *Hand release push ups
15 wall balls (health: 10#, athletic*:14, performance: 20)
:30 sec rest, (skip the rest in the last 2 minutes)
RX+: ring push ups, 8 Wall Ball 2 For 1 (
Cash Out
5 rounds of:
2 rope climbs
10 GHD Sit ups
20 Cal assault bike