The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Context: Competition
Mobility: Chest/shoulder
A: Floor Press (3 x 5 @20×0)
3 sets x 5 reps
increase the weight each set while keeping the tempo.
Start at 70% of Bench Press 1RM
On a 3 minute clock
B1: Barbell Row (3 x 12 @2011)
3 sets x 12 reps @ 2 down, 1 up, 1 second hold at the top (bar touching chest)
Underhand grip (supinated)
on a 4 minute clock
B2: Powell raise (3 x 8 @ 3010)
use small plates or dumbbells.
3 sets x 8 reps per side ( 3 seconds down, 1 up)
C: (17.11.17) Fist Pump (Time)
6 rounds for time:
8 SA DB Push Press (health:10-30#), Athletic*:35, performance: 50)
32* double unders (Athletic: 16 double unders or attempts, health: 64 singles)
-change push press side every round. (3 rounds per side)
*Women’s Rx
D1: Band pull aparts (2×25, rest as needed)
chest level
D2: Band Face Pulls (2 x 25, rest as needed)
eye level
Cash Out
2-3 x
A1)Barbell bicep curl 8-12 reps
A2) chin ups or ring rows 1-5
A3) banded tricep extensions 20